| Titel | Autor | Jahr | Gebiet |
AppleScript "A Comprehensive Guide to Scripting and Automation on Mac OS X"
Hanaan Rosenthal |
2004 |
iWoz "Computer Geek to Cult Icon"
Steve Wosniak (with Gina Smith) |
2006 |
The Apple Way "12 Management Lessons from the World's Most Innovative Company"
Jeffrey L. Cruikshank |
2006 |
Mac OS X Server Essentials Second Edition
Schoun Regan with David Pugh |
2008 |
Mac OS X for Unix Geeks 4th Edition
Brian Jepson, Ernest ROthman, Rich Rosen |
2008 |
Der Mac im Unternehmen "Netzwerk, Backup, Sicherheit"
Steffen Hellmuth |
2009 |
Mac OS X Snow Leopard und UNIX "Automatisierung, Administration, Netzwerke"
Kai Surendorf |
2010 |