08. Mai 2022 - Sorbet Leopard V1.5

Soo, nun ist das Sorbet Update 1.5 am Start :) - und es gibt einen Sorbet App Store.


Ein schneller (fast) Stummfilm :). Der Setup-Assistent ist eine schöne Erweiterung, auch für alle diejenigen, die dem "admin-Account" der Version 1.4 nicht getraut haben :).

Der Sorbet App-Store als schicker Macintosh Garden Wrapper ist auch eine schicke Idee.







Sorbet Leopard Revision 1.5 is a feature, performance, bug fix, and security update consisting of the following improvements:


  • Added Sorbet Leopard App Stor
    Added new Safari error page
    Added TwitterColorEmoji font for full emoji support
    Added RAM disk scripts
    Added 'play welcome movie' scripts
    Added Bonjour toggle script
    Added OpenGL demos
    Added temporary 10.5.8 version revert script for compatibility
    Added Dock display mode toggle scripts
    Added alias for Archive Utility to Utilities
    Added iOS 4, iOS 5, iOS 11, and iOS 12 backgrounds to iOS Theme
    Added 4 Apple screen savers
    Added 4 third-party screen savers
    Added Aqua Dark backgrounds
    Added Sorbet promo background
    Added cache clearing scripts
    Added BSD periodic maintenance shortcut scripts


Removals / Replacements

  • Removed AppleScript Utility.app, Folder Actions Setup.app, Directory.app, Directory Utility.app, and ODBC Administrator.app (closely matching the contents of the Utilities folder to 10.6.8)
    Removed Mail integration with WebKit 604
    Removed LockScreenLeopard386
    Removed Periodic Assurance Launch Daemon
    Removed default Mac account
    Removed welcome document and bundled security hardening guides
    Removed Floating Message screen saver
    Removed duplicate iOS screen saver
    Removed SLDD.jpg placeholder image
    Replaced default system background
    Replaced WebKit application with relinked Safari
    Replaced 10.5 Exposé preference pane desktop with 10.6 image
    Replaced 10.5 Dock fix-up configuration with 10.6 version
    Replaced 10.5 Dock layout configuration with 10.6 version (UserTemplates)
    Replaced original network performance optimizations with revised configuration, increasing network throughput and reducing kernel resource usage even further


Polish / Refinement

  • Renamed 'Utility Scripts' to 'Sorbet Tools'
    Renamed Dock 'Aesthetic' scripts to 'Appearance'
    Renamed 'Themes' to 'Appearance'
    Renamed 'System-wide Ad Blocking' to 'Universal Ad Blocking'
    Renamed 'Use OS X Mountain Lion Theme' to 'Install OS X Mountain Lion Pictures'
    Renamed 'Use macOS High Sierra Theme' to 'Install macOS High Sierra Pictures'
    Configured Dock icons to reflect currently hidden applications
    Changed ProductVersion universally to '10.5.9'
    Changed ProductBuildVersion to '9L31b'
    Changed default time zone to PDT (Cupertino, USA)
    Changed Terminal default preferences to use antialiased Menlo 11 pt. font (10.6 default)
    Changed Safari default preferences: NewTabBehavior and NewWindowBehavior set to 1, TabCreationPolicy set to 1, ShowFavoritesBar is disabled, AutoFill is disabled, RunawayJavaScriptTimer is disabled, WebIconDatabase is disabled, WebKitOfflineWebApplicationCacheEnabled is disabled, WebKitWebGLEnabled is disabled, RSSBookmarksInBarAreSubscribed is disabled, StartFlashAutomatically is disabled, WarnAboutFraudulentWebsites and AskBeforeSubmittingInsecureForms are disabled, WebKitInitialTimedLayoutDelay set to 0, CustomUserAgent set to iPad, SearchProviderShortName set to Yahoo!
    Updated Safari with never-before-used security fixes from Safari 12 (replaced csparser.bundle and Security binary with updated versions from October 2018 Security.framework release, plus replaced /usr/lib/libsqlite3.0.dylib with libsqlite3.dylib from WebKit files), stabilizing browser memory usage
    Changed Safari default bookmarks and top sites with the following: replaced Yahoo! with Wiby, replaced Wikipedia with The Old Net Wikipedia proxy, replaced CNN with Web Directory, replaced Google News with 68k News, replaced Flickr with Unsplash, replaced Facebook with SpaceHey, replaced Disney with Internet Archive, removed ESPN, removed Los Angeles Times, removed Expedia, removed Orbitz, removed Monster Jobs, updated and verified all default bookmark links for full functionality (accomplished with UserTemplates)
    Changed Safari version number to 11.0.4 / 604.5.7
    Upgraded all iOS backgrounds to higher resolutions
    Updated about command
    Converted all PNG desktop pictures to JPG for better integration
    Refined visual presentation of various scripts
    Configured system to enter Setup Assistant at first boot
    Generated compressed read-only release image using Carbon Copy Cloner (instead of Disk Utility), resulting in a significantly smaller disk image, as well as significantly better success rates in restoring the image to a partition
    Various bug fixes